Presented by SCORE Long Beach in partnership with the City of Hermosa Beach and the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau to help local businesses thrive.
Has your business recovered from the pandemic lockdowns and restrictions? Is it growing again? If not, now is the time to take stock of what you’re doing and perhaps make some changes. Come to this free workshop and let us help you identify where opportunities may exist!
Most of us have learned the hard way there’s no “silver bullet” that produces steady profitable growth; seldom just one thing that’s the difference between success and failure. This workshop addresses that. We’ll talk about what could be “weights” on your business; things you may be unaware of that could be holding you back… and you’ll leave with ideas on how to overcome them; things you can do that will generate positive results, in some cases at little or no cost. We’ll also talk about funding for growth initiatives as well.
About the Presenter: Our presenter is Dennis Wright. During his nearly 43-year business career, and 13 years with SCORE as a Mentor and Workshop Presenter, he has met and talked with thousands of small business owners and those who aspire to be. His experience includes sales and marketing, operations, and procurement or purchasing roles which included facility leasing. And he’ll be sharing with you much of what he’s learned throughout those years
Register Here or RSVP by contacting SCORE Long Beach/South Bay at 562/528-5919.